Support on applying our brand identity

The Infineon Brand Strategy & Design Team offers solution-oriented support and provides guidance on all questions regarding our brand. The team is here to ensure consistent brand messaging and design across all formats and channels.

Brand requests

Our Brand Portal already contains a lot of information about our brand, our design, and how to apply them when you are using the templates. If you have more in-depth questions about our brand messages, our corporate design, the Brand Portal, or the need for new images, illustrations, music, or video footage, please contact the Global Communication Services team:

General brand support
Request additional images
Request illustrations
Request music
Request video footage

Support for communication projects

When it comes to any questions about communication projects on either regional, division, or functional levels, we offer standard processes and templates on topics such as:

  • Communication support for new product ads
  • Local communication events that require marketing support
  • New visual concepts, videos, or icons for a product campaign
  • Communication for local talent acquisition events

Please contact the according regional, division or functional communication team for support.

Support for communication projects with a major brand impact

You can get support for communication projects that require targeted brand support, guidance, review and/or approval when brand representation is at the core of the project. Some examples are listed here:

  • Developing a trade fair concept with global reach and high industry importance
  • A new signet for an internal project
  • A new site branding concept
  • The development of a new trademark name for a new product category

If you need support get in touch with the

Brand Strategy & Design Team

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